Most Recent Minutes

Deer Lodge Historic Preservation Commission
December 14, 2022, City Hall, 6pm

Present: Commission members Kathy Bair, Melanie Sanchez, Cole Neubauer, Jordan Green,
Amanda Cooley, and Steve Owens, Preservation Officer Jacque Lavelle, City Council rep Curt
Fjelstad, and guests Desera Towle and Greg Larkin. Kathy called t he meeting to order at 6pm.

Minutes: Jacque moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of November 10, 2022 be
approved as presented, Steve seconded, and the motion passed.

Financial report: The City’s report showed a balance of $2,636 and a total budget of $5,500.
Mission statement: Amanda presented a draft of a mission statement that combined hers and
one that Steve prepared. After discussion the following was proposed: “The Historic
Preservation Commission is a City of Deer Lodge board affiliated with the Montana Main Street
Program that works closely with the Montana State Historic Preservation office. The mission is
to engage in activities that promote the preservation of the unique historical cha racter of Deer
Lodge. This is done through education and through the procurement of historic preservation
resources.” Steve moved, and Melanie seconded, that it be adopted as amended, and the
motion passed.

Preservation Ordinance: Jordan said they are working on ways to encourage compliance and a
way to review the work being done in the historic district. The City is not involved with any
commercial permitting because it is all done by the state. ·He suggested reaching out to Kate
Hampton to see how this is done elsewhere. Jacque is researching code stuff.
MMS: Kathy is finishing the quarterly report.
Hillcrest: The nomination of Hillcrest Cemetery has been completed by Ellen Baumler and
submitted to the state review board.

Robworth: Working on the contract for the nomination.

Ghost signs: Desera had photos of some local ones and photos of some in Helena. Melanie will
see if there are photos in the PCMAF collection. Steve presented a draft of a letter to property
owned inviting them to join the discussion and meet with us to help decide our direction on
these going forward. Kathy asked Desera and Steve to prepare a report. We will need to
inventory them and make display photos.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7: 15pm. The next meeting was set
for January 11, 2023 at 6pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Owens, secretary

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